Empowering Teens: Dive into the Benefits of Teen-Led Pool Maintenance

mother and son

As the temperature rises in Singapore, there's nothing quite like the temptation of a cool dip in the pool to beat the heat. Yet, for many parents, the dream of having their own aquatic oasis comes with the reality of regular upkeep. Enter the unsung heroes of household chores: teenagers. 

While juggling work, family, and other commitments, the thought of maintaining a pool might seem overwhelming. But fear not, because your teenager could be the answer to your pool maintenance woes. Instead of outsourcing the task to professionals, why not empower your teen to take charge?

Sure, they might not be seasoned experts in pool maintenance yet, but with a little guidance and the right tools, they can rise to the occasion. And if you're worried about their lack of skills, don't sweat it – Tonic Pools has you covered with a specialized pool maintenance course and package tailored just for them.

teenager cleaning pool with dog

Let's hear from Kristen, founder of SWISH! Swimming and Tonic Pools, along with her son, Zac, as they share insights into how this ingenious arrangement benefits them both.

"Having someone in-house allows for more frequent water testing and adjustments, which helps maintain optimal balance," explains Kristen. "With Zac always around, he's invaluable in managing chemical levels, especially when we have guests over."

Zac chimes in, highlighting the simplicity of the tasks: "It's something my friends could easily do too. Whenever I have questions, I just shoot a message to the Tonic team, and Petr guides me through. Working closely with Petr has been enlightening; I've learned about crucial aspects like backwashing. Plus, I earn money from my parents for this!"

Kristen nods in agreement, acknowledging the challenges that international students face in seeking employment in Singapore, especially for Zac. "It's important for teens to have opportunities to earn money for their endeavors. Parents also want to support their children in their pursuits. So this arrangement works out wonderfully. Instead of outsourcing to a pool maintenance company, Zac has stepped up to manage our pool."

By entrusting Zac with this responsibility, not only do they ensure the pool is well-maintained, but they also provide Zac with valuable experience and a source of income. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

tonic pools and swish swimming team, a group photo

We caught up with Petr, our resident expert from Tonic Pools, to shed some light on working with teenagers like Zac.

"Zac is a bright kid with a knack for pool maintenance," Petr shares. "With his existing knowledge, my role was mainly to ensure he grasped the finer details of system operations, chemical dosages, and filtration processes."

For teenagers new to pool maintenance, Petr offers reassurance: "Drawing from my experience teaching newcomers in the United States, I've found that it usually takes just one session to cover all the essentials. We provide them guidance from the get-go; they can send me images of their water test, and we'll advise them on the next steps. Once they feel confident, they can take the reins and send me results as needed."

This collaboration benefits both parties. Teenagers gain valuable skills, responsibility, and a source of income, while parents enjoy a well-maintained pool without outsourcing to professionals.

So, the next time you gaze at your pool, contemplating the inevitable cleaning session, consider the untapped potential of your teenager. With the guidance of experts like Petr from Tonic Pools, they might just surprise you with their newfound pool maintenance prowess. It's not just about clean water; it's about empowering the next generation and fostering responsibility in a tangible, hands-on way.


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